Many last names. One family.
Ways to give to CFTT.

Individuals, families, nonprofits, businesses. Everybody can give. Want to make a difference in your community, but not sure how? It’s easy. Make an impact today by giving today. You can choose to support our mission, support an existing fund, or create a new fund.
Many donors establish and contribute to personal donor-advised funds and then make recommendations for grant distributions to nonprofits over time. Donors also contribute through giving circles, trusts, endowments, and scholarships.
You can donate by giving to:
- IRA Charitable Rollover – A Charitable IRA Rollover allows donors to direct up to $100,000 from their traditional IRA to charity tax-free. This option is open to donors age 70½ and older who have a traditional IRA, and it counts toward your Required Minimum Distribution, the amount a person over that age must withdraw each year. Traditional IRA funds are not subject to income tax when given directly to charity.
This strategy may be right for you if:
• You are 70½ or older.
• You want to make a qualified charitable gift from your traditional IRA to reduce the value of future distributions you will be required to take.
• You wish to make an impactful gift to benefit the community.
• You already contribute to charity at your deduction limit and want to donate more.
• You wish to remove up to $100,000 from your taxable estate.
A Charitable IRA Rollover may not be directed to a donor-advised fund. However, there are several ways to give through the Community Foundation, including giving to a scholarship fund, designated fund, field of interest fund, impact area or as a direct gift to the Community Foundation to support its leadership activities in Bradford, Potter, Sullivan, Tioga counties, Pennsylvania and Tioga County, New York.
While many people consider this option when they are thinking about year-end tax planning, the donation can be made at any time during the year. - Planned Giving – Bequests from your estate, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, remainder interests in real estate, oil and gas royalties, and gifts of life insurance are among the most tax effective ways to support CFTT.
- Appreciated Securities – In some cases you may be able increase your gift and your tax deduction by donating your appreciated securities rather than selling them and contributing the after-tax proceeds. Every situation is different. You should consult your advisor before taking action.